Emerson Climate Technology

emerson climate technology

Emerson Climate Technology – Bali Garden Team Building

Emerson Climate Technology is the world’s leading provider of heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Also, refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial, and commercial applications. They come to Bali for Incentive Trips with more than 600 peoples.  Moreover, all of them do a meeting and some outdoor activities. Bali Group Organizer has been appointed to arrange Garden Team Building combined with Indoor Team Building for 31 people. Meanwhile the others are continuing their own meeting program. The hot atmosphere of Pan Pacific Hotel prevent them to enjoy the fun games lead by our professional game master. The aim of this program to execute challenges set around the hotel area in form of treasure hunt games.

The programs were run smoothly and successes with great experiences for the group participants while enjoy their last day in this island of God. You can look some of the pictures below and find the activities they have done. Emerson Climate Technology is one of our customers that has arranged successfully and it is also become our group references 2014 for your consideration to use our services.

Emerson Climate Technologies

13 November 2014

Emerson Climate Technology Group Photos on Garden Team Building

Ice Breaking Session

Before starting the games, we provide the exciting ice breaking game to warm them up and getting around for adaptability to each other.

Treasure Hunts

We have set several challenging games in certain spots around the hotel that force them to break some clues to get a treasure trove in every place to visit. It was look very fun and enjoyable to see the secret items in the hidden places.

Amazing Race and Indoor Games

We design the amazing race games to complete their competition outdoor and force them to execute several games that they must win it. Afterward, we continue the indoor games and finalize the winner.

You can Discover Other Group References 2014

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