AWO International VW Safari Treasure Hunt – Jatiluwih Expedition

Incentive Travel

AWO International Group
Experienced VW Safari Treasure Hunt - Jatiluwih Expedition

AWO International team-building events are designed to foster collaboration, enhance communication, and strengthen the bonds among team members. With a mission to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people, AWO International’s team values unity and effective teamwork. For this event, they chose Bali Group Organizer, a seasoned organizer with over 25 years of experience in group events in Bali. The VW Safari Treasure Hunt – Jatiluwih Expedition was carefully curated to offer a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and team-building activities, ensuring a memorable experience for all participants.

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Event Date17 July 2024
CustomerAWO International
CategoryIncentive Travel
awo international group, vw safari, treasure hunt, bali team building, jatiluwih rice terrace, bali adventure

AWO International Group Event

Group Event History

VW Safari Treasure Hunt kicked off AWO International’s memorable team-building event on 17 July 2024. AWO International, a professional association for development cooperation and humanitarian action under the German welfare organization “Arbeiterwohlfahrt” (AWO), sought an engaging and unique experience for their team. The event, hosted by Bali Group Organizer, brought together nine participants from the Asia Pacific region for an adventurous day in the stunning landscapes of Bali. The group stayed at the comfortable and modern BloO Hotel Dewi Sri, setting the stage for an exciting expedition.

Enchanting Visit to Taman Ayun Temple

The day began with a short ice-breaker game to energize and prepare the team for the exciting journey ahead. The first stop was the enchanting Taman Ayun Temple, a beautiful and serene site that offered a glimpse into Bali’s rich cultural heritage. Moreover, the participants marveled at the temple’s stunning architecture and lush gardens, providing a tranquil start to their adventure. The visit to Taman Ayun Temple set a peaceful and reflective tone for the day, allowing the team to connect with Bali’s spiritual side before embarking on their thrilling drive.

VW Safari to Explore the Countryside of Bali

The highlight of the day was the VW Safari Treasure Hunt, an exhilarating drive through Bali’s picturesque countryside. Participants were divided into small groups, each assigned a vintage VW Safari car, adding a nostalgic and adventurous touch to the event. The treasure hunt required teams to navigate through clues and challenges, exploring hidden gems and breathtaking landscapes. The drive took them through lush rice terraces, traditional villages, and scenic vistas, showcasing Bali’s natural beauty in all its glory.

AWO International Group Experience

The VW Safari Treasure Hunt – Jatiluwih Expedition organized for AWO International was a remarkable success. Bali Group Organizer’s extensive experience in group event services and commitment to creating exceptional experiences shone through every aspect of the event. The participants left with a sense of accomplishment, stronger team bonds, and unforgettable memories of their time in Bali. The VW Safari Treasure Hunt is an excellent choice for any organization looking to enhance team dynamics and create lasting impressions. Trust Bali Group Organizer to deliver an experience that combines adventure, culture, and the stunning beauty of Bali.

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