Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel Management Family Gathering

Sanur Beach Hotel

Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel Management Family Gathering

Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel is a five star hotel standing on the golden sand of Sanur Bali. The resort residing within the luxury resorts, coconuts trees and friendly villagers. Furthermore, the management team of Sanur Beach Hotel has done management family gathering to Bedugul. This event was run on 11 December 2012. Meanwhile, Bedugul is one of the famous tourist destinations in Bali in plateau area.

In addition, Bali Group Organizer is previously under Bali Star Island has been proud to be one of the best partner of the resort. They have appointed us to organize the great challenges of outdoor activities within one day. And also, we have assigned the proper outdoor programs with two complete adventure activities includes Paint Ball using air soft gun and ATV Riding at the beautiful rice paddy. Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel is one of our customers that has arranged successfully. Therefore, there is no doubt that this group become our group references 2012 for your consideration to use our services.

Sanur Beach Hotel

11 December 2012

Aerowisata Sanur Beach Hotel Management Family Gathering Group Photos

Paint Ball

Paint Ball family gathering
Paint Ball

ATV Riding

ATV Riding family gathering
ATV Riding

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