Balinese Simple Etiquette

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Balinese Simple Etiquette is a simple etiquette run on the social living in Bali Island. The Balinese people are living inclusively with beautiful nature, strong custom and religion who pride in their heritage. Therefore, the visitors observing ceremonies and traditional dances, just as long as you follow a few simple, basic points of etiquette. There are much questions coming from the head, how would you like a group of foreign speaking tourists invading your wedding or funeral of a close relative to snap a few photos?. Let us to describe the simple etiquette that first, dress appropriately – smart casual is appropriate – swimwear is not appropriate. Two, be quiet and respectful. Cameras and camcorders are OK – but do be unobtrusive. As well, Do Not touches or pats anyone (including children) on the head.

Unique Balinese Simple Etiquette You Need to Know

balinese, friendly, welcomeWhen visiting a temple be aware that you should wear long pants or a sarong with a Selendang tied around the waist (men and women). Whilst you can take your own every major temple has Selendangs to borrow for a small donation. It is extremely bad form (in fact, it is taboo) for women who are menstruating to enter a temple. If you do find yourself stuck in traffic for no apparent reason, you may have to come up on a Balinese procession on the way to temple. Be patient. No amount of honking the car’s horn is going to speed things up and it is rude to try to pass.

Here below a short list of Balinese simple etiquette that you should know

  • Using casual dress when go around in public area
  • Be quite and respectful
  • Do not sit higher than the oldest people even priest
  • Never pointing a finger to the face of another people
  • Do not put your feet on the table or lift the leg when talking with other people
  • Not to stood akimbo when talking with others
  • Never touch the head of other people
  • Stop driving even engine when passing the group of ceremony (parade) and let them to pass the way first
  • Behave polite and respect when entering the secret places in particular temple
  • Use Selendang or Sarong when entering the temple

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