ASM Assembly System Group

Incentive Travel

ASM Assembly System Group
Experiences Bali ATV Riding Treasure Hunt

Group Photo
Event Date24 October 2015
CustomerASM Assembly System
CategoryIncentive Travel
asm assembly systems, asm assembly system, bali atv, bali atv riding, atv riding, treasure hunt, team building, fun games, games, atv, bongkasa, jatiluwih, bali, village safari, village

Group Event History

ASM Assembly System, a Malaysian corporation, and its 11 employees traveled to Bali for Incentive Trip Programs. Furthermore, BT Tune Holiday organizes the entire program and collaborates with Bali Group Organizer to create one-day outdoor Team Building Activities. We have created a unique and demanding outdoor team-building activity by mixing ATV riding in a secluded village on Bali Island. It was a terrific experience for the group participants to enjoy the travels with exciting team-building activities using the Treasure Hunt Game concept.

Meanwhile, at a given point, we have prepared various games. In addition, we have provided specific clues as challenges for the ATV trail. As a result, this group event is one of our customers’ experiences and a 2015 group reference.

Bali ATV Riding and Treasure Hunt Games

Bali Treasure Hunt and ATV Ride is an exciting activity that combines garden team building with a treasure hunt game. The experience takes you through natural wonders such as rice fields, traditional villages, and wild bush gardens. Meanwhile, we buried the treasure trove, so the participant must search for it. We also provide a coffee break in the middle of the trip. The journey took 7 hours from the hotel until they returned to the resort.

ASM Assembly System Team Building Activities

We provide a brief icebreaker game for them before they begin Bali ATV Riding. It warmed them up and created a competitive atmosphere. It is a crucial session before we get to the fantastic race games.

Amazing Race Games

We begin with the beautiful race games after warming up. It encourages group participants to participate in exciting, enjoyable games full of obstacles. They must recognize their quick, efficient work, communication, and excellent teamwork.

ATV Riding

Riding an ATV through rice fields, tropical forests, rugged tracks, and rivers is a new experience for them. Exploring the gorgeous landscape of Bali Island is a thrilling experience.

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