Bali CSR Bicycle Reconstruction – Bureau Veritas Marine Pte Ltd

Incentive Travel

Bureau Veritas Marine Pte Ltd ( Singapore )
Enjoyed Bali CSR Bicycle Reconstruction

Bureau veritas marine, bali csr, bali bicycle reconstruction
Event Date24 October 2023
CustomerBureau Beritas Marine
CategoryCSR Activity
Bureau veritas marine, bali csr, bali bicycle reconstruction

Bureau Beritas Marine Group Event

Bali Group Organizer is proud to showcase one of our successful CSR (corporate social responsibility) activities, the “CSR Bicycle Reconstruction” event. In collaboration with Bureau Veritas Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd, we organized this impactful half-day event at the stunning Intercontinental Bali Resort, Jimbaran, Bali, on October 24, 2023.

Benefits of the Bali CSR Bicycle Reconstruction Events

This CSR event brought together 15 participants from Asia Pacific, offering them a unique opportunity to engage in community service and give back to society. Through this event, participants strengthened their team dynamics, fostered a sense of purpose, and contributed to the betterment of society.

Donation Recipient:

The bicycles rebuilt during the event were donated to Yayasan Gayatri Widya Mandala, a local orphanage in Tabanan. This contribution aimed to provide the children with transportation and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Orphanage Children’s Reaction:

The joy and gratitude the children of Yayasan Gayatri Widya Mandala displayed upon receiving the donated bicycles were heartwarming. These bicycles improved their daily lives and symbolized hope, care, and the importance of community support.

Bali CSR Activity Conclusion

The “CSR Bicycle Reconstruction” event, organized by Bali Group Organizer in collaboration with Bureau Veritas Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd, exemplifies our commitment to corporate social responsibility in Bali. This half-day initiative brought together participants from the Asia Pacific, promoting teamwork and a sense of purpose. Donating reconstructed bicycles to Yayasan Gayatri Widya Mandala, a local orphanage, provided transportation and symbolized hope and community support. The heartwarming reactions of the children upon receiving the bicycles showcase the real impact of such initiatives. Bali CSR is more than an event; it’s a testament to our dedication to making a positive difference in Bali’s community.

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