Forest Indo Niaga Beach Team Building

forest indo niaga, beach team building, team building

Forest Indo Niaga Company got the Experience on a group Team-building activities

Forest Indo Niaga company is a national company held group team-building activities on the beach in Bali. This company initially focused on providing the contents of mobile users and cooperating with telecommunications operators in Indonesia and based in Jakarta. The company has appointed Bali Group Organizer to provide beach team building services to their staff and managers during a visit to Bali. Also, we have designed a team-building activity on a remote beach in the western part of the island of the gods. Furthermore, beach team building activities are very useful for them to build teamwork, foster morale, togetherness and improve communication. So that later it can increase productivity and achieve the right corporate goals efficiently and effectively. So, this kind of team-building activity is very useful for companies in the future.

In addition, Forest Indo Niaga came with 31 participants and all of them felt happy and exciting joining this beach team building activity. This activity was held on 09 August 2018 and can be a reference for the group events that we have handled. This activity is handled by our reliable and experienced facilitators as well as our professional game masters. Let see what The Forest Niaga Company has done on teambuilding activities below. Furthermore, you can find other group event references during 2018 on our site here.

A Group Team-building activities on the beach

Bali Beach Team Building is a training activity for character building presented in the form of games with certain challenges. Our building team activities are learning activities to improve teamwork, communication, togetherness, the spirit of struggle and competitiveness. We have designed all of them in a fun, safe and beneficial activity.

Ice Breaking

We led all participants to gather and warm up with a variety of games. So, they look very excited, happy and full of competition. Especially during grouping sessions.

Ice Breaking – Beach Team Building – PT Forest Indo Niaga

Competition Game Phase

We jumped straight into the struggle phase after the warm-up session ended. Furthermore, we have given 3 games that require struggle, strong teamwork, and good communication to win it.

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Olympic Game Phase

After the break, we continued by giving 3 types of games that use seawater. Each team has struggled and has seen an increase in their collaboration. This is great because our message arrived.

group team-building activities forest indo niaga company Olympic games, forest indo niaga, beach team building, team building

Final Games of Forest Indo Niaga Company

This is a full session of struggle to maintain achievement in global competition. In this case, we have provided a water tower and tug of war games. It was truly fantastic and made the participants very happy.

group team-building activities forest indo niaga company tug of war, tug of war game, forest indo niaga, beach team building

Other Group References During 2018

Another Service and group team-building company

Bali event organizer Services and Products

Student Trip and CSR program

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